Mvis os

Mvis operating system (os) , is a command line based operating system for 32 bit and 64 bit computers

  • Free operating system
  • Command line interface
  • 32 and 64bit computer supported
  • Easy to manage , easy distribute resources
  • Fast booting time
  • WebServer supported
  • Minimal memory requirements
  • Robust security

Webraft Copilot

Highly efficient AI Assistant which can carry out 80% of the tasks in your computer.

  • Provide detailed description about things
  • Solve tasks like setting up applications, coding, etc.
  • Automate complex tasks with ease
  • Provide assistance to the user
  • Manages the host computer efficiently
  • Build presentations, documents, excels, and much more.
  • For Windows operating systems only

WareHouse Management

Helps managing warehouses for manufacturing and merchandise companies by accuracy and saving time.

  • Easy to use web-apps
  • Tracks pick/place movements
  • Functionality available to add orders
  • Custom app development
  • Route identification and selection
  • Workers tracking
  • Automate various tasks
  • Provide detailed summary and optimisations

Personal finance manager

Manage your finances easily and cut down irrelevent and unnecessary costs.

  • Add or modify list of purchase
  • Assists management through AI
  • Suggests best methods to reduce costs
  • Notifies the user about unnecessary purchases
  • Available as a personal app and web-app
  • Save your finance information online securely with our top-notch servers and encryption
  • Optimal solution for saving money while not limiting yourself much.


A series of best AI language models for general use cases.

  • Large Language AI model
  • Parameters ranging from 7B to 35B
  • versions from 0.8 succeeds in surpassing GPT-3.5 & Gemini-Pro
  • Trained on general q/a, code, maths, scientific and logical reasoning
  • Useable at fraction of cost of GPT-3.5
  • Versions before 0.7 are open source
  • Available through WebraftAI API

Thara Bhai

Large Language AI Model trained specifically on Indian datas.

  • Fine tuned version of SynapseLLM
  • Trained on 10+ Indian languages including Hindi
  • Parameters ranging from 7B to 35B
  • Trained on Q/A, code, historical datas, vedics, etc.
  • Potentially closed source
  • Under training
  • Will be available through WebraftAI API